Is Kant’s nature/freedom dualism clearer in ‘Farewell to the Master’ or ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’? What was Kant’s nature/freedom dualism? Kant believed that  human thought are inexorably riven by fundamental dualities. There are many of these fundamental dualities that he talks about, but the one he talks most about is the distinction between practical and theoretical reason. According to Great Thinkers, “It can often look as if Kant thinks that rhetorical reasoning and practical reason constitute 2 separate domains of human thought that cannot possibly be joined in a single system: in theoretical reasoning we use the pure forms of sensibility and understanding, that is our pure intuitions of the structure of space and time on the one hand and the fundamental logical structures of the discursive thoughts on the other, to define the basic laws of a realm that cannot be influenced by our moral conceptions of how things ought to be, while we appeal to pure practical reason to determine how truly free beings ought to relate to themselves and one another regardless of what they actually do. Thus it can seem as if in Kant’s view the realms of nature and freedom, while each possesses its own kind of systematic laws and organization, cannot be joined in a single system.”

What is Farwell to the Master? ccording to Wikipedia, “‘Farewell to the Master’ is a science fiction short story by American writer Harry Bates. It was first published in the October 1940 issue of Astounding Science Fiction on page 58. It provided the basis of the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still and its 2008 remake.” 

What is The Day the Earth Stood Still? Thus is just a remake of Farwell to the Master. 

Is Kant’s nature/freedom dualism clearer in ‘Farewell to the Master’ or ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’? I think it is Farwell to the Master. This is becausee robot thinks he is sovereign instead of the police bot that he was supposed to be. 

What is one issue that reflects the individualist versus collectivist outlook in your own times? According to the dictionary an individualist is “an advocate of a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control” A collectivist is “an adherent of the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it” So we see that each group has a different idea, but how have they acted toward each over the years? The biggest issue in todays time is politics. But how does it do this The answer to this is more simple than most people think. Today the individualists want to be free. America used to be free and now we are being controlled by the government. The collectivists are blind to the world around them and think more government is better. Most politicians are collectivists. They want to be in control so they tax us, teach us lies, make the government bigger, threaten us, make stupid laws, and spy on us through our devices! Collectivist think this is good! Now people argue over government and this has caused more problems. Our world is falling apart because of what the government has done to it. 

Why was the world a dangerous place in the 1960s and 1970s? A big reason was the Cold War. This war lasted from 1947 to 1991. This war was influenced by World War II. It was the US and their allies against the Soviet Union and their allies. One more thing was the assassination of  J. F. Kennedy. This caused a great uproar in the people. The vice president took over and started the Welfare State. This was very stressful, but not really dangerous. 

What have been the effects of foreign aid programs, such that virtually everyone was describing them as failures by the 1990’s? A negative effect according to is Increase dependency-less economically developed countries (LEDCs) become more dependent on donor countries and become heavily dependent, which causes the economy the stay at equilibrium.” According to, some other ones are “Exhaustion of Vital Resources. Has an impact on the domestic industry. Lopsided economic growth. The Dangers of Dumping. Reliance on foreign countries. Opposition to national defense. Economic planning and unpredictability. Legal inconsistency.”

Is “income inequality” a problem? According to Britannica, “income inequality, in economics, significant disparity in the distribution of income between individuals, groups, populations, social classes, or countries. Income inequality is a major dimension of social stratification and social class.” This can lead to things like political polarization and lower economic growth. Income inequality is a problem if it is used regularly. 

What were the important components of Germany’s Economic Miracle? According to Wikipedia, “The Wirtschaftswunder (“economic miracle“), also known as the Miracle on the Rhine, was the rapid reconstruction and development of the economies of West Germany and Austria after World War II.” There were tw0 important components, currency reform and the elimination of price controls. According to Springer, “A currency reform is a prearranged redenomination or alteration of the currency, sometimes with confiscatory elements.” According to the Dictionary, “a government regulation establishing a maximum price to be charged for specified goods and services, especially during periods of war or inflation.

What are some of the problems with the concept of public goods? Public goods are a service or commodity that are provided to the public by economics. These public goods are most likely bought by taxes, Some of these public goods are national defense, fresh water, and law enforcement. A problem that relates to public goods is the free rider problem. According to, “The free-rider problem arises when individuals who benefit from a public good avoid paying for it. Because consumers have the inducement to be free riders rather than purchasers, the market will not generate an efficient outcome and hence market failure.

The process by which the market economy tends toward an improvement in the standard of living. Economic growth. According to CK-12, “Growth in an economy is measured by a continual increase in the production of goods and services. As a result of economic growth, the standard of living improves, meaning people are making more money, the population is able to grow, and education levels rise.

Does the state have the right to redistribute wealth from some people to others? Obviously not. If you rented out houses for a living, would you like it if the government took one of your houses and gave it to a homeless person? Sure it helps that homeless person, but the government would be taking away your property! They don’t have the right to take your property. The government doesn’t have more rights than the people. If they can take someone’s things, that means we can. If the president told you to give him a million dollars, would you? I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t give money to someone unless I trust them, or I’m willing to loose that money. Never lend something that you are willing to loose. 

In what ways did revenge figure into the strategies of the countries fighting in World War II? First, here’s an example of revenge. America wasn’t really a part of the was until the bombing of Pearl Harbor. America declared war on Japan for revenge. If Pearl Harbor wasn’t bombed, how would the war have turned out? 

After World War I Germany was forced to do things like keep small military, claim they started the war, lose territory, and pay reparations. Hitler became in charge and started breaking all of these laws. He created a secret military and stock up on weapons. when Hitler believed that Germany was ready, he began taking revenge on countries. These countries got revenge back on Germany and this was the outbreak of World War II. 

Revenge held the war together. If one country didn’t get revenge on the country that attacked them, the war might have never ended. If America didn’t get revenge on Japan they might have never joined, which means they would have never bombed Japan and end the war. 

Difference between negative and positive rights. According to Saint Clara University, “Positive rights, therefore, are rights that provide something that people need to secure their well being, such as a right to an education, the right to food, the right to medical care, the right to housing, or the right to a job.“ Negative rights don’t require anyone to help you. 

Is there a right of free speech? Yes. If someone said that the president is dumb, why would you arrest him/her. There’s most likely people saying things much worse. If this were the case then everyone would be arrested. The government  knows everything that we say. They spy on us through our electronics! Many people violate the right of free speech and that’s wrong. 

Did World War II become more brutal as time went on? First of all, if you don’t know what WWII was, here’s a hint. It came after WWI. Yes the war did get more brutal as time went on. Why? First off, as time went on more and more countries joined which meant more deaths. Secondly, the countries that were fighting were getting their supplies bombed because they can’t survive without food and their war machines can’t work without the right tools. At one point in the war a country had to bomb the middle of France because the train station was in the center of it. They were trying to cut off Germanies supplies, and to do that they needed to get rid of the trains, although they killed hundreds of people in France. The war ended when America bombed Japan’s citizens, which was pretty brutal and not necessary, although I might have done the same thing. What would you have done?