Two possible USP’s for the Ron Paul Curriculum. USP means Unique Selling Prepositions. I am going to use papers and professors for this paper. Here are the reasons why I think these two are unique. 

Papers. I think papers are unique because most schools don’t do them. And the ones that do don’t do them often. In Ron Paul Curriculum I have to write a paper every week. I am now used to them and can write one easily. This paper is one of my assignments. Usually kids in schools just have tests which helps them remember what they learned, but with Ron Paul Curriculum I can learn more.

Professors. I homeschool which means that my mom has to teach me. But now I can use the Ron Paul Curriculum without my mom teaching me and still learning the truth. I say that because mast schools teach kids evolution like that the earth is billions of years old when it’s not really. With professors teaching me I’m not distracted. And I can search on the internet for information so that I can understand better. For on final time A professor told me to write this paper.  

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