Did Thompson provide persuasive evidence that South’s slave system was morally evil? First of all Thompson’s full name was John Thompson. He was a slave in Maryland. He was born in 1812. In his family there was him, his mother, father, and six brothers and sisters. He was a slave at a young age and knew what it felt like to be severely punished. He also barely knew his sister because she was sold at a young age.

The time Thompson was  born slavery was very common. Everywhere in North America people were being taken away from their family’s And being beaten to death sometimes for the fun of it. Back to the question. Did Thompson provide persuasive evidence that South’s slave system was morally evil? Yes. He tells about African-Americans getting kidnaped from Africa and being taken to North America. Then getting sold (sometimes not with your family) and being taken to a place where you work all day and get punished. If you don’t know what slavery is according to Google it means “the state of being a slave.” A slave according to Google is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.” Americans believed that because African-Americans had a different skin color God cared about them less. Many slaves tried running away because slavery was so evil. Few succeeded because a price was put on them. The ones who succeeded couldn’t do much with their live anywhere close to where they were slaves because they would be known. If you want to hear more about Thompson’s you can read my paper “What was Thompson’s theory of the relationship between sanctions and slavery?” Or you can read his autobiography. 

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