From the book A BUS OF MY OWN written by Jim Lehrer, Lehrer did a lot of bad things like smoke, eat unhealthy, and getting angry. One morning he woke up and wasn’t feeling well. that was a heart attack. Thankfully he survived or this book wouldn’t be written and that heart attack also changed his life. I will give a list of things that Lehrer changed about his life in this paper.

Fritos, cheese Whiz, chili, pepperoni pizza, Milky Ways, Butterfinger chips, peanut butter (chunky); hamburgers with fries, tuna-salad sandwiches with fries, bacon-lettuce-and-tomato sandwiches with fries, fried chicken with fries, barbecue ribs, beef and/or sausage with fries; Dr. Peppers, chocolate chip ice cream, butter brickle ice cream, real potato chips, cottage-fried potatoes; scrambled egg with melted cheese, green peppers and onions; chocolate milk shakes, corn dogs, chilly dogs; biscuits with butter, waffles with hot maple syrup and butter, pancakes with hot maple syrup and butter; salt, fudge, black coffee, and pastrami sandwiches with mayonnaise are a list of bad foods that he ate before his heart attack. After his heart attack he started eating foods like carrots and celery sticks with nonfat yogurt dip, melba toast, vegetarian baked beans, cute little tips of raspberry’s and strawberries and blueberry’s, apples great glasses of orange juice, decaf coffee, water cornbread, green beans, peas, peas!, spinach casserole, caffeine-free diet soda pop, unbuttered and unsalted popcorn, toasted pita bread, oatmeal, oatmeal! Over half of all of these foods I listed are good, but not all healthy.

The main reason for his heart attack I think was that He smoked a lot. Instead of throwing away the butts of cigarettes he kept them in a shoebox to get a whiff out them later. He was so dedicated to smoking that he smoked his pipe in the ambulance to the hospital! After his heart attack on his list of things he would or wouldn’t do was smoke.

He also wrote down in his book that he would work out. He worked out in the hospital work out room every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In his list he wrote down that he would take a nap every and never get angry again. He also made a list of bus signs that he would go after. They are Overland Greyhound, Bowen Motor Coaches, Southeastern Stages, American Bus lines, and Dixie-Sunshine Trailways. Charlie Berman and Harry Smith were two kind people in the hospital that helped Lehrer. After his heart attack he was a completely good and changed man. My brother Owen Pitts wrote a paper like this last year in 2020 when Lehrer died. I hope you liked this paper.

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