By next year I want to have accomplished the Able Trailman badge in Trail Life. Also, I want to have accomplished my Trek Awana book so that I am able to start my second book on time. I also want to have more chickens for more eggs. I might even start making a plan to get better at piano.

By my eighteenth birthday I want to have accomplished my associates degree. I want to have found a good well paying job. I want to have bought a car. In Trail Life I want to earn the Freedom award. And I want to have saved enough money to go to collage.

By the age 25 I want to have accomplished college. I want to be married by then. I want to buy a house. If I can get a better job I want to have that done.

Hard work always pays off. For example if I want to have my associates degree by when I’m done with Highschool I need to do extra work. My parents won’t make me do it, it’s my choice. If I want to have earned the Freedom award in Trail Life I need to do the work to earn all the other awards then do the work for the Freedom award. If I want a job I have to do hard work so I can get hired. To buy a car I have to earn the money I need. I might not get help so I have to earn the money myself. Getting a job may be easy or hard. It only depends on if your a hard worker. If you work hard enough you could get more money than usual and buy what you need quicker than you would if you were lazy. Let’s say I wanted to go to college and I didn’t have enough money to go. I could get a small job and earn some money maybe even while I was in college. If I want to get better at piano I have to probably put away some other hobby and work on the piano more than I usually would. Going an extra mile in things can help you in a lot of things, but it depends on how hard or how diligent you are.

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