In the catastrophe theory, it is believed that one major event happened to make the mountains. Creationists believe that the event was the flood. The uniformity theory believes that it took millions of years to form the same mountains. Evolutionists believe that mountains formed slowly over a long period of time. Creationists believe it happened quickly in a short period of time.
The crust is the thinnest layer. Humans have gone down miles but have not got to the mantle. The earth’s crust is divided into two areas: the Continental Crust and the Oceanic Crust. The crust under the ocean is thinner than the crust on the continents. There are Felsic rock, granite, and Gneiss rocks in the crust on land. Under the ocean, there is mafic rock, basalt, and gabbro rocks. Ocean crust is denser.
We know the mantle is mostly solid because of seismic evidence. Upper mantle possibly consists of dense igneous rock. The mantle has some magma chambers.
We know there is a core because seismic waves do not appear on the other side. We think the core is made of iron or nickel. The core must be dense.
There are three parts of the earth: the crust, mantle, and core.
In school, I watched a video about how to make a borax crystal. When my brothers were done with school they watched the video with me. The next day, we got the things I needed. We made the borax crystals and left them out overnight. The next day, we got our borax crystals.
Ingredients: Borax, three white pipe cleaners, boiling water, string, pan or glass cup, and stick.
We think this rock is limestone or sandstone. My grandparent, Tom, had this. I think somebody gave it to him. It has a fossil of a sea creature on it. It is as big as my hand!
We think this is granite. Granite came from a volcano, then turns to a harder rock because it is a metamorphic rock. Metamorphic means it starts as a different rock and it changes into granite. There are lots of rocks to choose from. These three were some of my favorites.
Desalinization is a water treatment process that removes salts from water. The difference between salt-water is that salt-water you can not drink and fresh-water you can drink. The reason you can not drink salt-water is because it takes the extra water out of your body and kills you.
Scientists are concerned about running out of fresh-water, so they are trying to figure out a way to change salt-water to fresh-water. “By 2020, desalinization will contribute significantly to ensuring a safe, sustainable, affordable, and adequate water supply for our nation.” God has a plan for everything.
The short war that broke out after the First Punic War was the Mercenary War. The Second Punic War began in 218 B.C. and lasted five years. This war is short, don’t you think?
Hannibal started fighting in Iberia by swearing an oath to never join forces with Rome. He did and went to battle with his father. His father drowned so his cousin became king but died so Hannibal became king. Hannibal declared war on an important city, Saguntum. His army had 38,000 men, 8,000 calvery, and 37 elephants. Italy has never seen elephants, so they were scared to death. Hannibal is remembered today as one of the greatest military leaders ever in history. If you were Hannibal, would you do the same as hi or better? Hope you liked this paper on Hanibal and the Second Punic War!
Rome sent ambassadors to mediate local quarrels because they wanted to maintain peace. The Senanes and Clusians could not be reconciled in 387 B.C. When the Gauls invaded Rome, they sacked the city. No one had ever sacked Rome before. A general named Marcus Camillus saved the day and the nickname second Romulus was given to him. Camillus got to serve as dictator in Rome five times. Rome thought about moving their capital to Veii.
The Romans fought the Samnites in the Samnite Wars. The Samnites started the First Samnite War because they wanted to expand their country. Rome started the second war and won. In the Third Samnite War, the Samnites and Etruscans teamed up but were defeated by Rome! The only part of Italy Rome did not conquer at this time was the Po Valley. Rome is strong, don’t you think?
I am going to write about citizens and foreigners in this paper, but first citizens. Citizens in Latin are called civium. If you were a citizen, you could get special privileges. Those privileges could be given legal protection, you could vote, and you could be in the army.
Foreigners in Latin are called Plulgrini. If you were a foreigner, you did not get special privileges. The Equites were the businessmen. The Senators were 100 members who made laws and kept orders, the Consul were men who were elected once a year to govern, the Praetous were eight men who were appointed as court judges, and Aldiles were four supervisors to a market trade, the Juaestars were twenty financial administrators, the Triune was similar to a counsel, and the Dictators protected the city. The Plebians went on strike five times to protest.
Ramulus was the first king of Rome. He killed his brother in a fight and stole women! Romulus was a warrior and a skilled man. He fought lots of wars and won most of them. When Romulus died, he did not have children, so the people decided a new king. His name was Numa Pompilius. He was a man of place. The reason the people chose him was because he was wise and peaceful. He said that when the temple doors were closed, they were at peace, but ewhen the doors were open, they were at war. I wonder what it would be like if I lived in Rome and everyone chose me as king. If you were there, what would you feel like if they chose you as king? I would feel happy or excited. I hope you like this paper. I also hope you like my next paper I am going to write.
When Alexander was ten years old, he found a great war horse he wanted. The horse wasn’t tamed, so his father said no. Alexander found a way to tame it and bought the horse, and named it Bucephalas. His school teacher was Aristotle and his favorite author was Homer. Alexander carried one of his books wherever he went.
Alexander became king at age 20 in 336 B.C. Alexander wanted to take over all of the states, so he started with Greece. Next, he moved to Asia. There was a knot no one could untie and everyone wanted to untie it because whoever untied it became the next king of all Asia. Alexander untied this knot by slicing it in two with his sword. Then, he conquered Egypt. Alexander never lost a battle.
Alexander died in 323 B.C. at the age of 32. His death may have been of a disease or injuries from war. Alexander was very successful with conquering all of the cities known in History and making himself a name. The name was The Great.